Ordering Tags Should Take Minutes, Not Hours: How to Use the Tag Store

Many of our customers once viewed ordering tags as a complicated and time-consuming process. If you have many different tags that are similar in terms of size, shape, and substrate, it can be challenging to ensure you order the right quantities of the right tags at the right time.

In this blog post, our experts explain how to use The Tag Store, our innovative online ordering platform, to cut your tag ordering time down to minutes and help your operations run more smoothly.

Common Challenges With Tag Ordering

We surveyed dozens of our customers to find out why tag ordering was inconvenient for them. Here are a few of the most common problems they faced:

  1. People call tags by different names: Just like one person may call a tool Tool A while another person calls it Tool B, team members were calling the same tags by different names. This made it difficult to know which type of tag was needed when.
  2. Had to order without images: Before we developed The Tag Store, there was no way for customers to see an image of the tag they were ordering. This led to ordering mistakes, since many customers use tags that are almost identical in terms of size, shape, and substrate–but have completely different information printed on them.
  3. No visibility into pricing: Customers wanted the most up-to-date pricing information on the specific tag quantities they were ordering, but there was no quick or easy way for them to get that information.
  4. Complications with multiple business locations: Many of our customers have multiple locations across the country all ordering tags. They found it challenging to ensure consistent pricing and tag design, and keep team members in different areas on the same page regarding tag inventory and ordering.

These challenges meant it was taking our customers hours to place a tag order when the process should have been quick and streamlined. That’s why we developed The Tag Store.

What Is The Tag Store?

The Tag Store is our innovative online tag ordering system for custom industrial tags, nameplates, sling tags, cable ties, and more. We developed and implemented it to reduce our customers’ tag ordering headaches. You can watch our overview video here!

How Does The Tag Store Save Ordering Time?

The Tag Store saves information and images on all the tags a customer has ever ordered. That way, when it comes time to reorder a specific tag, they can see the tag they are ordering and confirm it via part number. They can also see the latest pricing information for the specific tag type and quantity they are ordering.

The Tag Store allows our customers to buy their tags in just a few clicks, saving them hours with every order.

Other Tips for Tag Inventory Management

We’ve put a variety of other stocking and ordering solutions in place for our customers, including The Tag Inventory Manager, The Tag Warehouse, and the Bail Me Out Program.

Want to Learn More?

Our experts are happy to consult with you about your industrial tag and nameplate needs. Contact us today!